with the blood of christ!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
/11:09 PM

Perfectionism, in psychology, is a belief that perfection can and should be attained. In its pathological form, perfectionism is a belief that work or output that is anything less than perfect is unacceptable.

Someone has told me before that I am a perfectionist. I guess that's very true.

The way I solo projects (well, maybe not so much these days...), feel so pissed when things don't go smoothly, the way I can't take a joke (I'm seriously starting to worry if I have Apserger's Syndrome...), the way I'm just waaaaaay to serious for anyone's liking... my high expectations... the list just goes on and on.

I guess it really would be fascinating to sit down 1 day with a physcologist and examien what caused this perfectionism, what other bad character traits do I have... etc.

But what will that achieve? Nothing.


6.20am in the morning. A packed bus 293, the latest "model" of buses which are wheelchair friendly, arrives at a bus stop in tampines.

People squeeze in, and unfortunately, the boy finds himself at the end of the "queue" of people entering the bus. He tries to get in, and in the end his bag gets caught in the door. The bus driver is giving him a pissed look.

The boy gets off the bus. He sees that everyone is literally crowding in the "standing area" of the bus. No one has the intiative or mental capability to step into the "sitting area" and stand there. there's a nice, empty looking space over there, as if taunting the boy for his inability to get on that frigging bus.

The boy feels pissed. With a 'WTH!@!??" he waits for the next bus to come, hoping that the people inside that bus will be cleverer this time.



The boy is on a packed 31 bus, right after school. As expected, the bus is crowded with students from all schools around Marine Parade.

The bus driver suddenly shouts, "Please move in. Please have consideration for others."

Everyone grugindly moves in.

The bus driver is pissed, everyone's pissed, the boy feels freakingly embarrassed. Some people just need to go through an "Ettiquite in Buses" course.


'cause the hardest part of this is leaving you....

Sunday, March 29, 2009
/5:21 PM

I am VERY lazy.

Anyways, I feel so sian. This week seems to be have been like shorterned alot, so I'm like scrambling to finish all the crazy project stuff, all the crazy things that keep coming my way. =D

And yesterday, I felt like a total idiot sitting in front of a DARKENED computer screen with no lights on at 8.30pm. It was earth hour! XD

(PS To nicholas: alot more ppl did eurf hour than you expected. ALOT more. =D)

Left with 30minutes before I meet my mum and en for dinner at simei.... so byebyes. =D



We'd never know what's wrong without the pain...

Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same...

-- The Fray, All At Once

I will live, to love you...

I will live, a child in awe of You....

-Hillsong United, Till I See You

I don't know why I'm spamming random song lyrics. lol.

20 minutes left.

Friday, March 27, 2009
random matters.
/10:52 PM

Earth hour is tomorrow! Switch off your lights for an hour at 8.30pm and make a difference! XD


Applications for VIP have opened... and I'm not really interested. lol.

Maybe I was physco-ed by some ppl to not be interested in IP? Or is this really my own choice?

ARGH. Why am i dwelling so much on such trival matters!?


No You Girls- Franz Ferdinand

Oh, kiss me
Lick your cigarette, then kiss me
Kiss me where your eye won’t meet me
Meet me where your mind won’t kiss me

Lick your eyes and mine and then hit me
Hit me with your eyes so sweetly
Oh, you know you know you know that yes I love
I mean I’d love to get to know you

Do you never wonder?
No, no no no

You girls never know
Oh no, you girls’ll never know
No you girls never know
How you make a boy feel
You girls never know
Oh no, you girls’ll never know
No you girls never know
How you make a boy feel
How you make a boy

Oh, kiss me
Lick your cigarette, then kiss me
Kiss me where your eye won’t meet me
Meet me where your eye won’t lick me
Lick your mind and mine so briefly
Oh you know, you know you’re so sweetly
Oh you know, you know that I know that I love you
I mean I, I mean I need to love

Do you never wonder?
No, no no no

You girls never know
Oh no, you girls’ll never know
No you girls never know
How you make a boy feel
You girls never know
Oh no, you girls’ll never know
No you girls never know
How you make a boy feel
How you make a boy feel
How you make a boy

Sometimes I say stupid things
That I think
Well, I mean I
Sometimes I think the stupidest things
Because I never wonder
Oh how the girl feels
Oh how the girl feels

No you boys never care
Oh no you boys’ll never care
No you boys never care
How the girl feels
No you boys never care
You dirty boys’ll never care
No you boys never care
How the girl feels

Oh how the girl feels
Oh how the girl feels

the AMV for this song is freaking OWNAGE. xD

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
/2:26 PM

Kopped this from nicholas's blog. =D

[] You have yelled at an unanimate object for 'hurting' you.
[] You have ran into a glass or screen door.
[] You have jumped out of a moving vehicle.
[x] You have thought of something funny, and laughed, then people gave you a weird look.
[] You have ran into a tree or a bush.
[] You have been called a 'blonde'.
[] You know that it is possible to lick your elbow.
[] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars have the same rhythm
[x] You sang them to make sure.
[x] You have tripped on your own feet and fallen.
[x] You have choked on your own spit
[x] You have seen the Matrix or Star Wars and still don't get it.
[] You type with three fingers or less.
[] You have accidentally caught something on fire.
[x] You have caught yourself drooling.
[x] You have fallen asleep in class.
[x] Sometimes, you stop thinking.
[x] Sometimes, when you are telling a story, you forgot what you were talking about.
[x] People shake their heads and walk away from you.
[] You are often told to use your 'inside voice'
[] You use your finger to do simple Math.
[x] You have eaten a bug accidentally. (CATERPILLAR! xD)
[x] You are doing this test when you should be doing something more important.
[x] You have put your clothes on backwards or inside out and didn't realise it.
[x] You've looked all over for something and realised it was in your hand or pocket the whole time.
[] You repost bulletins because you are scared that what they say will happen to you if you don't.
[] You break a lot of things.
[] You tilt your head when you're confused.
[x] You have fallen out of your chair before.
[x] When you're lying in bed, you try to find pictures in the texture on the ceiling.
[x] The word 'um' is used many times a day.
[] You don't know what 'um' means.
[x] You say 'what' and 'huh' alot.
[] You used a calculator to multiply your score for this bulletin.

17x4= 68%

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
/8:19 AM


And yes, you really do rawk. =D

Thursday, March 19, 2009
CCA and dilemma.
/1:35 PM

Went out with avester, daniel and suresh to prepare for the CCA hike tomorrow.

I went for the hike with xiuqi last year, and even though we screwed up badly i still enjoyed it. That's prolly 1 of the main reasons why i agreed to be the reserve for avester's hike.

And lols... we had a nice, long chat about IP and VS. It really seems like almost everyone has different, conflicting views about this issue. Some teachers are like... totally anti-IP, like a CERTAIN english teacher who refuses to do IP referral letters. lol.

Anyways, speaking of IP, I don't really know whether i shuld try for it. 1 part of me tells myself that I won't be able to make it due to my screwed up CA1 results (which might lead to even more screwed SA1 results), another part tells me to not betray VS for VJ.

And there's yet ANOTHER part of me which tells me to try it out.

Everyone has different views about this issue. Who should I listen to?

Or should I just follow my heart?

(added on at 9.28pm)
Ohnos! Looks like Daniel has a bad headache... and yours truly has to go down to bishan MRT station tommorrow and take over him if he's not feeling well. -.-

And in case Daniel is really not well, I will be gone from fri. - sat. Byebye!

I should be feeling emo, feeling moody, but why am i like sooo EXCITED!? -.-

Everlasting, your light will shine when all else fades... *

* The song I'm listening to now. Guess which song. XD

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
/10:14 PM

Desolation Row -- My Chemical Romance

They’re selling postcards of the hanging
Well, they’re painting the passports brown
And the beauty parlor’s filled with sailors
The circus is in town
Oh now look here comes the blind commissioner
Well, they’ve got him in a trance
One hand is tied to the tight-rope walker
The other’s in his pants

And the riot squad they’re restless
They need somewhere to go
As Lady and I look out tonight
From Desolation Row

Oh Cinderella, she seems so easy
“Well, it takes one to know one,” she smiles
And she puts her hands in her back pockets
Oh Bette Davis style
And now but here comes Romeo, moaning
“You Belong to Me I Believe”
And then someone says,”You’re in the wrong place, my friend
You better leave”

And then the only sound that’s left
After the ambulances go
Is Cinderella sweeping up
On Desolation Row


Now at midnight all the agents
And superhuman crew
Go out and round up everyone
That knows more than they do (knows more than they do)
They’re gonna bring them to the factory
Where the heart-attack machine
Is strapped across their shoulders
And then the kerosene

Is brought down from the castles
By insurance men who go
Check to see that no one is escaping
To Desolation Row

'Cause right now I can’t read too good
Don’t send me no letters no
Not unless you’re gonna mail them
From Desolation Row

(from the Watchmen Soundtrack)

One of the few songs which fascinate and disturb me at the same time. XD

And if you are very bo liao, go read this 'analysis' of Desolation Row...

Sunday, March 15, 2009
/11:53 PM

Everyone knows what is jobweek right? It's a week when all scouts knock on doors and distrub ppl by saying things like "do you have a job (what kind of job? marketing executive? CEO of a company?) for me to do?" and then "would you mind making a small CONTRIBUTION (*cough*do*cough*n*cough*ation*cough*) to the scouting community?" etc.

But jokes aside, jobweek isn't that bad as i made it out to be. For some unknown reason, I find walking around a land of terrace houses and HDB flats to be 'fun'. I find completing a job to be quite satisfying. I find receving money from the job to be rewarding, regardless of the amount.

Looks like the goold ole 'enthu about scouts' side of me is still there. Hopefully, it will continue be there for the next 2 years... or even more??? =D

Anyways, sherman and I have discovered our 'secret spot'. Not telling you where, ofcourse.


It's gonna be a long and tiring day TOMORROW TODAY. Wish me all the best and NIL SINE LABORE! =D

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
renjies don't do math.
/7:24 PM

sighs... It sucks to be sucky in maths. -.-

Anyways, it's time to apologise for the things that I've done, for the things that I've said. It's time for a change...

I realised that 'change' has been sensationalised alot. It's like the buzzword of the day. People want change, they want to change this, change that, change alot of things.

Sometimes they WANT to change but they DON'T change.

This reminds me of myself. D:


Off to have dinner and complete my huge pile of maths hw. Wish me luck. AND TAG MORE. XD

Sunday, March 8, 2009
/8:04 PM

Long overdue video of shiro climbing down the stairs.



Investiture night was awesome.

Our level item rawked. Our dance rawked. And most importantly, our check yes juliet RAWKED EVEN MORE!!!

It also made me ponder about what makes a good leader.

Is a good leader the person who is the tallest? Is a good leader the person who is the most charamismatic? is a good leader someone who everyone respects?

I shuld think about that. =D


I realised how beautiful VS's campus is.

It's like... we often take for granted things like the school hall, the parade square, ecopond, things we see everyday.

But when we have a closer look at these ordinary yet not ordinary things, we realise how beautiful they can be.

And call me emo if you want. XD


Off to my work. bye for now. =D

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
wanton II
/6:35 PM

This is gonna be a short post, becoz I have an OVERDUE D&T project waiting for mi... D:

Your Mood is a 3

You're feeling rather down right now, but you're doing your best to get through it.

How Does Your Mood Rate?
I'm feeling pissed right now.
Pissed with my piano teacher, pissed with my project group members, pleased with my OVERDUE project... pissed that I have to 'solo' everything... but atleast there are others in the same situation as me.
I realised that it's hard to invoke passion in things you're not passionate in. But those thigns are always creepign up on you. You have to face them, whether you like it or not.
Time for me to face the music squawky sound of francis's 'distorted guitar'. =D
'My plentous joys, Wanton in fulness, seek to hide themselves In drops of sorrow.' -Macbeth, Act? Scene? *
The reason behind Wanton and Wanton II.
* You should know what scene and act this is from. Btw, if you are not from VS/ don't understand what im writing, just ignore this whole section, euu CHIMpanzee. XD