with the blood of christ!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
the boy.
/10:41 PM

Sitting comfortably? Let's begin.

Once upon a time there was a boy. He got through primary school pretty well, and although he wasn't a top student or mr popularity, he did well enough in his PSLE to get into a pretty good secondary school.

So he met his class on the first day of secondary school, then went for an orientation camp on the next. So, the class 'bonded', and everyone knew each other fairly well.

The trouble began one day when the boy didn't seem to fit in with the other people in the class. It may be his personality, his character, his good results. The boy felt comfused, angry and bitter, sometimes all at the same time. Sometimes he felt alone. Sometimes he felt like he came to the wrong school, he came to the wrong class, he should have went to another secondary school.

He got involved in the 'class commitee', landing himself in a pretty major supporting role, and had to play 2nd fiddle to someone while that person seemingly took all the credit. In the eyes of the teacher, he was a 'good boy', someone who had initiative; someone who was good at many things and aspects, but stil la 2nd fiddle. But what about his classmates, the people he sees everyday?

They all hated him.

He found that life was so unfair, that some people are more talented than others, that he didn't have any supposedly 'best' friends, only having the occasional MSN contact. He felt shunned. Lonely. he felt like he was soo different from the rest. He was going aginst the 'crowd' in many aspects, and that was not a good thing in that situation.

The boy survived through 1 year, and the next year was even more horrible. Things started complicating itself. He saw that the characters of the people in class are worlds apart from his. He felt stressed. He felt angry. He felt lost, and still unfound.

The boy knew that 'God was there for him', but he neeeded something, someone more tangible. he knew God loved him, but he just felt it hard to experience it. He needed to not feel left out all the time. He needed to destroy his old personality, and bring out a totally brand new one. He needed to totally reinvent himself. He needed a change, of monstrous, gigantic proportions which no one could ever do or ever fix. He needed someone to be 'high chemistry' with him, isntead of the usual 'bad chemistry' that he has with everyone. He needed to start having fun when everyone is, and not have fun when everyone isn't. He needed to get into the flow. He needs... EVERYTHING.

2 years of the boy's life summarised in under 500 words. Wow.

Friday, January 30, 2009
/5:52 PM

Ever felt so pissed, stressed, whatever that you just have to run away from the situation? Ever said to yourself, "ARGH. Piss all this crap off. I'm gonna take a break."?

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing now. XD


It sucks to redo work you've done before.

I have to redo exercises 1-3 of my 作业 becoz my book went missing... It just disappeared without a trace, and weirdly I found a totally blank, empty 作业 sitting on my room shelf...

Then again, things could have been waayy worst. Imagine losing it in march, or may, or some later date. =D

It's as if the zuoye WANTS to disappear.


/12:05 AM

It's 12.05am now... and I was originally gonna sleep soundly when I realised that I had to print out some stuff for my maths project.

Speaking of maths projects, once again the supposed deadline is just around the corner. And I'm feeling stressed. Seems like everyone is hit with this stress bug... including me. D:

So I hope Mrs Wong will accept my 2nd method when I show ti to her tomorrow... and I hope that my group members will be able to make it tomorrow...s owe can do some crappy measurements. D:

ARGH. feeling stressed.... now i understand how nicholas feels. =D

Thursday, January 29, 2009
/3:03 PM

Okay... I'm feeling sleepy... zzzzzzzz...

So anyways, I'm listening to the mrbrownshow while blogging this. =D Go listen to it if you have time.

And I feel inspired to make a blogskin... mainly thanks to my geog teacher. XD

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
/3:24 PM

Just came back from my primary school. If you wanna read about wad i did there, refer to my inglush blog:

Anyways, I'm feeling slightly feverish after standing under the sun for so long. Oh no! D:


Tomorrow will be the day we'll all go back to school.

Tomorrow will be the day we're having our maths test.

Tomorrow might be a day full of challenges.

Tomorrow might be a day full of pessimism.

Tomorrow will be a NEW DAY.

Tomorrow will be... THE DAY WE WILL SEIZE!

LMAO. Why am I writing such weird stuff!? =D

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
/1:20 PM

Video of my sis playing Road's Song on the keyboard. =D

The song is on the anime D Gray Man; for the original version (with lyrics), click here.

Monday, January 26, 2009
/9:02 PM

Alot of things have happened over the past few days, and i don't know how to talk about all of them :)

Anyways, every CNY my grandma will come and stay with my family... this year isn't an exception. And just a while ago, the whole Kan family desceneded upon Tampines... fortunately, they have left to their various locations... =D

And suprisingly, I haven't eaten alot of CNY goodies, as compared to previous years. Yaay! :)

On a more serious note,

My projects are getting screwed up. In particular, my MATHS project.

I could blame it on Shuai Chen. For not sending me his contribution earlier today, so I don't have to bug and spam call him, and now both of us are pissed. I could blame it on my group members, for not taking the intitiative to meet up before school ended, so that MAYBE we could have completed the project and relax in peace during this looong break.

Or I could blame it on myself. for revelling in this disorder, and not doing much to make sure we do a good job. For not being a team player. For basically being a jackass. For not trusting people, and just putting burden after burden on myself.

I am Kan Ren Jie and I have been a jackass. I need to pull myself out of this.


Speaking of projects,

There are basically 3 kinds of members.

Firstly, we have those who are pure 'slackers'. They don't care at all. Give them work to do and they don't do anything.

Secondly, we have those very hardworking people. They are hardworking BUT efficient. They know how to tolerate the slackers, and people of the 3rd category; They knwo how to communicate, so that everyone does their fair share of work; nothing more, nothing less. They are basically one of the best members a group can have. =D

The 3rd category belongs to people who are hardworking. TOO hardworking. So hardworking that they put burdens on themselves, they don't trust the other group members to do their work. They are also the solo-kias, the people who do the work needed ALONE. Their group can get good marks, but essentially its the work of only one person.

Guess which category I belong to.

maybe I shouldn't go for IP.... D:

Friday, January 23, 2009
/9:37 PM

For more queries on how to join, pls ask Mr. Tan Xiuqi by spamming him in MSN, SMS, pigeon letters, fortune cookies, hongbaos, wadeva. he LOVES THAT KIND OF STUFF!
(added on at 24th Jan, 2.46pm)
Lyrics to my blogsong:

Break The Silence - delirious?

Citizens with a secret in our hands
That could ignite our shadow lands
Light it up and let it go
Let it shine with love and grace and a redesign
A ray of hope for the common man
Light it up and let it go

Oh, oh, oh,
We've got to give it away
And there's a price to pay
When we give it away

Break the silence, break the silence,
Cross ever boundary that divides us, divides us
Break the silence, break the silence,
Cross ever border that divides us, oh, unite us

We turn the page, to a future just begun
If heaven is real then let our heaven become
Peace on earth, let it flow.
We raise our voice where the colours all but gone
Paint the world with redemption songs
Stir it up let it flow

Thursday, January 22, 2009
/3:28 PM

We consider Abba, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Beetles songs to be oldies, and the bands themselves to be have-beens.

I'm not disagreeing with that. However, just think about this: 20 years ago, those bands were the equivalent of today's Fall Out boy, MCR, Secondhand Serenade, Simple Plan, Linkin Park etc. etc.

And 20-30 years later, the younger generations will scoff at our 'check yes juliet' and even 'welcome to the black parade'. They may scoff at us for listening to such 'boring' and lame stuff. It's quite a scary thought, don't you agree?

I guess that's just the way life (and the music scene) is. Life is always changing, 'a river that never keeps flowing', and the music scene is always changing and evolving.

And although the thought is frightening, we can't do anything about it.

Might as well enjoy our 'soon-to-be-oldies' for as long as we can. XD

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
life and times.
/5:47 PM

Okay... so today was just a very normal day.

Started the day with chinese. We had to do some stoopid dramatisations of one of our 课文s... Becoz no one bothered to like prepare beforehand or anything, all our plays weren't like very exciting or wadeva... and my CHINESE acting sucks. XD

There was this science project presentation today... my experiment was about some crappy eggshell thingy. Presentation went pretty well, just that at the end miss boey asked me some stoopid question about limewater. I was like... stunned. Some ppl were like trying to tell me the answer, but I didn't understand them. lols.

And oh yarh, thanks alot to xq for helping me in that project...

I also realised that all the projects are piling up... but I guess that's pretty normal too.

And so ends another day in renjie's normal life....


And I just realised that Timbuktu is a real place! look here:

Okay... that isn't very normal. =D

Monday, January 19, 2009
/9:26 PM

Basketball- Just throw the ball into the basket. Simple.

-Shuai Chen, the future NBA star (hopefully...)


Went to Shuai Chen's house to do D&T project today.... And lols, I had to mass-send 'Love Story' to everyone because all of them wanted it. -.-

Ok, byebye for now... D:

Saturday, January 17, 2009
random stuff.
/11:28 PM

CNY is next week, and all the cards and goodies have started pouring in. =D

When people write the cards, do they really mean what they write? Or are they doing it just for the sake of doing so?



(Note: the following may make totally no sense to you if you are not in scouts. But read on anyways. ;p)

Scout meeting today was fun.

It seems to be tradition that everytime a new batch of sec 1s come, we must have a waterbomb fight. So, we did. XD

And Chun Wei took his revenge on me by assaulting me with dunno how many waterbombs... I SHALL HAVE MY REVENGE NEXT YEAR! MUAHAHA!

Oh yarh, while we were having the fight, some band people were practicing in one corner of the parade square.. bet they wanted to join us... but too bad. ;p

And once again, I'm freaking bored...


One thing I have pondered
Is how the mighty fall
I've sung the songs of heaven
Just to lose it all
See me falling down
See me falling down

Another day in paradise
Another day to die
The writing's on the wall again
And the future's asking why
Why we turned away

What does that mean? think about it. ;p


For this blogskin, I gained inspiration from this song:

Paint The Town Red- delirious?

Friday, January 16, 2009
pleasing to you.
/6:32 PM

Sanctify me
Clean out my closet
Take away anything
That is not pleasing to You

Purify me
Destroy all my anger
Wash away everything
That is not pleasing to You

I will be white as snow
I will be pure as gold
Jesus my heart must know
I'm pleasing to You

I give my life my all
Taking the cross I will follow
Jesus my heart must know
I'm pleasing to You

Sanctify me
You are the light to guide me
To the place where I am
Only pleasing to You

Oh come and Purify me Lord
I need your light inside me
So the darkness flees
And I can be pleasing to You

Thursday, January 15, 2009
random videos.
/3:50 PM

Now I shall attempt to do what nicholas blogs about best: My life in sch.

So anyways, school was pretty normal today. Had this stoopid lit essay about "why do we study Shakespeare?" Seriously, I felt like writing 'Becoz our teacher says so!' or smthing liddat, but instead I had to write some ridiculous stuff about the themes in Shakespeare's writing, etc. Anyways, I have a feeling I'd do quite badly in it ;p

And now I have a science project to complete... byebye =D

Many thanks to xq for introducing me to this... =D

(Added at 5.40pm)

Since I'm feeling so boliao,

This is the video Mr. liang was talking about during assembly. Go to the youtube link to watch it, and rate. =DD

And it's for a good cause... XD

Friday, January 9, 2009
/10:40 PM

Hey Dad look at me
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according
To plan?
Do you think I’m wasting
My time doing things I
Wanna do?
But it hurts when you
Disapprove all along

And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I’m never gonna be good
Enough for you
I can’t pretend that
I’m alright
And you can’t change me

‘Cause we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect
Now it’s just too late
And we can’t go back
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect

I try not to think
About the pain I feel inside
Did you know you used to be
My hero?
All the days
You spent with me
Now seem so far away
And it feels like you don’t
Care anymore

And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I’m never gonna be good
Enough for you
I can’t stand another fight
And nothing’ alright

‘Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect
Now it’s just too late
And we can’t go back
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect

Nothing’s gonna change
The things that you said
Nothing’s gonna make this
Right again
Please don’t turn your back
I can’t believe it’s hard
Just to talk to you
But you don’t understand

‘Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect
Now it’s just too late
And we can’t go back
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect

‘Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect
Now it’s just too late
And we can’t go back
I’m sorry
I can’t be Perfect

How very apt....

Thursday, January 8, 2009
/3:57 PM

I'm back! =D

I was supposed to do my english blog-writing hw thingy... but since I had nothing to write about, thought i'd just pop by here..

And yeah, I think school is really having a negative effect on my posts and this blog in general... but I don't really have a choice right?

Monday, January 5, 2009
/10:59 PM

Oh yarh, now that the school term has started, my computer time has been drastically "adjusted" by *AHEM* and *AHEM*. So you might not see me post so often. Anyways, I promise I won't let this blog go dead, at least in the near future. XD

Anyways, I just got introduced to my WONDERFUL geog teacher... She's miss( or mrs?) ria, and she speaks with a strong indian accent... of course I can still hear what she's talking about, but it's still kinda weird... =D

Anyways, I sense trouble brewing... D:

Sunday, January 4, 2009
deep friends??
/6:45 PM

u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 says:
u pig

u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 just sent you a nudge.

renjie says:

u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 just sent you a nudge.

renjie says:
byebye =D

u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 just sent you a nudge.

renjie says:
shiro thinks that youre being lame -.-
u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 says:
shiro is deep friend!
renjie says:
deep friend?
u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 says:
yea man!
u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 says:
renjie says:
u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 says:
a veri deep person
renjie says:
your england very powderful leh... -.-
u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 says:
hu is my friend
u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 says:
renjie says:
shiro's ur friend...
renjie says:
ur DEEP friend
renjie says:
u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 says:
u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 says:
u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 says:
u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 says:
renjie says:
as deep as wad?
u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 says:
u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 says:
u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 says:
like th cup of water!
renjie says:
ok... im gonna post this conversation on my blog! XD
u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 says:
renjie says:
renjie says:
u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 says:
u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 says:
u3-v!L 。◕‿◕。 says:
renjie says:

Wow... i didn't know shiro was my DEEP FRIEND. ;P

Saturday, January 3, 2009
red cliff and other random matters.
/11:33 PM

While I'm typing this, my dad is blabering on and on about san guo yan yi (Romance of The 3 Kingdoms) just because he watched Red Cliff... (a movie)

And about Red Cliff, my advice: If you hate those long, draggy shows with absolutely no comedy and very few action scenes, and with a screwed up plotline which doesn't follow closely to the actual book, DON'T WATCH RED CLIFF.

Anyways, I'm feeling quite happy. I've FINALLY passed my knots test, completed Scout Standard, and also made 2 peoples' day. And today's a SATURDAY. =D

And lols... I wonder why this post like no substance liddat. Maybe its because of my relatively uneventful week... AGAIN.


Thursday, January 1, 2009
/3:50 PM

I feel lazy. VERY lazy.

When I look at my homework, I feel sooo sianzz... fortunately, I'm left with just 1 maths question... but its like on a topic which is not taught, and I dun understnad what's in the textbook.


Its 3.50 now, and very soon its gonna be evening. then night. then 1 day has passed. SIAN. D:


new year...
/1:54 AM

okay, i think im turning into a hardcore blogger... its 1.55am and I'm BLOGGING when I have other better things to do (like sleep, etc.)

Anyways, for the final time,

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

And also.very sorry for dao-ing the following ppl who sms-ed me... my stoopid phone screwed up and i couldn't sms or call any1...

1. Jacob
2. Chief Misfit
3. Lian-ge (WYL)
4. Tristen
5. en

And now, here's what i did for the entire night!

Went to vivo to watch movie with 5 sec 3s (to lazy to name), and tristen. We went to this place that selled 'flame-grilled chicken'... was quite nice acutally. And then went to watch the movie Yes Man.

As for my thoughts abt le movie, that will come tomorrow. But so sad avester didn't come... so we couldn't watch IP Man. =DDD

then after that we saw the 烟花 from the celebrations in sentosa, by the time I wanted to take video, it was too late... sighs.

Anyways, byebye for now. =DDD