Therefore, you shall make Russian Reversal jokes and use Я instead of R.
In Soviet Яussia, GAY is Nicholas!!!!!!
In Soviet Яussia, black parade joins YOU!!!!
IN Soviet, Яussia, Renjie owns YOU!!!!!!!!!!
In Soviet Russia, picture hangs YOU!!!!!!!!!!
/4:36 PM
Chinese New Year is in Jan this year, and today I found a flyer regarding some stoopid yusheng thingy in my letterbox...
CNY has been below average, dreadful, and at most average for me. Sometimes I just wish that CNY never existed, so I don't have to go through all thehustle and bustle of it all.
Try having your dad quarelling and bitching about your grandma when she comes and stay at our house, and try having your dad throwing tantrems and refusing to visit his siblings' houses. Mostly because of a stupid argument everyone got into when I was just 6.
And try visinting your relatives' houses when you are like... so far away from them, and only see them at most a few times a year. It really is a chore, because the entire family has just fell apart and disintergrated so much, that those people that I see every year are like strangers to me.
And my grandmother will probably come and live with us for the 2 to 3 days. I don't hate her, but I think she does have a bad impression of me. And we're like seperated by a language barrier, mainly becuz my chinese sucks.
Anyways, there isn't much to look out to for CNY, except the 2 days holiday I will receive. However, in the name of CHINESE TRADITIONS (bleaugh), i shall have visit all my relatives... AGAIN.
Finally, a message specially for xq:
I made up my mind. The hike wasn't that regrettable... =DD
Since I'm feeling sooo bored, i decided to upload the codes for this blogskin... if you wanna use this blogskin, credit ME and UPLOAD THE IMAGES YOURSELF. I don't want my photobucket account to 'burst'.
And oh yarh, to see the codes, click on the link abv, then go to View>Source...
And I put some 'helpful' notes in the blogskin... go find them yourself. ;p
Lols... i hope this will benefit someone... =D
And by the way, yours truly will be away on a hike from the 29th to the 30th... which CLASHES WITH MY CELL OUTING!!! OMG!!! WAD AM I GONNA DO!?
TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: drop by one* TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: ehhh you died ar TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: 10 mins ago you were alive TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: nuuuu TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: WHAT HAPPENED TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: oh pls no renjie says: automessage: renjie is not supposed to reply to XQ because he is dead TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: oops my bad renjie says: automessage: leave a message for renjie after the censored vulgaritty *TOOT* TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: hey renjie! its xiu qi TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: just popped in to say hello TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: when you're not get anymore and finally pick up this msg, pls be informed that i have eloped with your Sims game to Brazil. you may (not) find me there TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: ciao, sincerely mine, Xiu Qi TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: not dead* renjie says: HELL MESSAGE DELIVERY SERVICE TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: omg renjie says: dEAR xIU qI, renjie says: yOu mAy wOnder wHy I'm wRiting liddAt renjie says: bUt i bO bIan, HMDS say muSt liDdat so i liDDat TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: aiyo renjie says: mY gHost sHall HaUnt yOu wHerevEr you ArE, TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: probably why i try not to go there TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: cool! TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: personal bodyguard renjie says: uNtIl yOu pUt mY sImS 2 tO rEst... renjie says: tO dO sO, plEase pOp bY the SinGaPoRe PosT oFFIce iN sOme Ulu Ulu pLace nEar SaRimbUn renjie says: aT 12 mIdNigHt renjie says: yOu wIll Find a bOx tHat Says renjie says: "HeLl DeLiVeRy SerVice" renjie says: put The Sims 2 inside, aNd aDdress tO "aNti-XQ Headquaters" renjie says: dO tHat... OR DIE renjie says: yours unhappily, renjie renjie says: THIS MESSGAE WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY HELL DELIVERY SERVICE. WANT TO ZHNG YOUR SIMS 2? DIAL 666666664. TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: NUUU WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO US we are having fun together, we love each other! I made a family wif it! i saw countless marriages, the countless nights spent staring at it...
why do you insist on tearing us asunder? cant you see we love each other? you are the third person in this equation Sims have never like you and NEVER WILL! TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: honey, pack your bags, we're leaving TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: sims 2: yes dear TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: click on air port : buy ticket to > random place TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: NOT ENOUGH SIMOLENES renjie says: renjie's ghost pops up whiel XQ is trying to leaVE renjie says: *while renjie says: XQ -3000 Asipration points! renjie says: OMG! XQ JUST HAD A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN! renjie says: WHERE'S THE THERAPIST!? TanXQ .:: Showa しょわ Flights Of Fancy. ::. says: but i have Poke- ability
Simleones: Sims 2 currency Asipration points: some sims 2 thingy. TanXQ: My imaginary friend. see here and here Showa: ??? しょわ : Some stoopid jap. words
You may not understand the last part of this conversation unless you play sims...
/10:29 PM
Thursday, December 25, 2008
/5:32 PM
Earlier today, someone asked me if I've been to any christmas parties.
I haven't been to one for ages, mainly because 1. I don't feel like it and 2. i don't see the point of having massive parties on christmas.
Anyways, my opinion is that people who party like siao on christmas, christmas eve and boxing day are stupid.
After all the fun and games, all the laughter, all the gift-giving and all the turkey at the party, ask yourself: Why am I celebrating?
You may say you are celebrating His birth. But is the focus really on Him?
I'm not against gift-giving, christmas trees or anything; nor am I saying that christmas shouldn't be celebrated. Its just that I don't see the point of having christmas parties. In the end, I feel that there's not much difference from any other normal party. (apart from the turkey, and the gift-giving) I find it pointless, and just dry.
I'm not going to take photos of all of them and post them here; but well, thanks alot,people! =D
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
sucka sucka sucka sucka....
/12:57 PM
Incase you didn't know, Avenue Q is a musical that is the more 'mature' version of Seseme Street. =D They're also responsible for The Internet Is For Porn and If You Were Gay....
sometimes I hate my personality, the way I am, the way I behave.
Sometimes I feel like I'm some crazy idiot, mainly due to the weird stuff that almost no one does but I still do... sometimes I feel like I'm a shy, hermit crab...
Sunday, December 21, 2008
are you sitting comfortably?
/4:42 PM
Kingdom Of Comfort- Delirious?
Save me save me From the kingdom of comfort where I am king From my unhealthy lust of material things
I built myself a happy home In my palace on my own My castle falling in the sand Pull me out, please grab my hand I just forgot where I came from
Save me save me From the kingdom of comfort where I am king From my unhealthy lust of material things
I rob myself of innocence With the poison of indifference I buy my stuff at any cost A couple of clicks and I pay the price Coz what I gain is someone else's loss
Save me save me From the kingdom of comfort where I am king From my unhealthy lust of material things
Save me save me From the kingdom of comfort where I am king To this kingdom of heaven where you are king
Here's something to chew on: Are you building a Kingdom Of Comfort?
I don't think I need to draw any comparisms to us and other people around the globe. (Africa always kenna this kind of comparisms XD).
It's really sad that while we're singing about God's goodness, God's mercy, there are people out there who haven't even heard about God and are literally starving to death.
We house ourselves in our own kingdom, while proclaiming that we are actually serving God. We have festivals, traditions, beliefs, blessings, fellowship, conferences, sermons, congregations, you name it, we have it... yet the poor, opressed, enslaved, disturbed, the people who really need to know about God are left behind. They are left in the lurch to suffer, while we all benefit from being in this 'kingdom' of ours.
Its quite ironic that we are supposed to be the light of the world, yet we often isolate ourselves from the ostracised, from the isolated, from the heartbroken, from those who really need to know God. And we still dare to call ourselves the light of the world?
It's time to destroy the kingdom, this 'clique' of ours. It really is.
Christmas is approaching, and I'm sure Toys R Rus will be packed with children begging their parents to buy them all sorts of toys.
It's funny how the 'joys of materialism' can strike people at such a young age.
Quiz I found deep in the archives of Francis's blog. =D
Rules: 1. Put your music playlist on shuffle. 2.Press forward for each question. 3.Use the song title as the answer to question even if it makes no sense. NO CHEATING!! 4. Give your comments on the answers.
How are you feeling today? Tongue Tied- Faber Drive
Will you get far in life? Viva La Vida- Coldplay
Hmm.. that means I'd become a king and get his throne ursuped? Maybe not... XD
Will you get married? What I've Done- Linkin Park
What is your best friend's theme song? Who I Am Hates Who I've Been- Relient K
What is the story of your life? You Are Faithful- Hillsong
Hmm... makes no sense again.
What was your primary school like? You Saw Me- Hillsong
The DM saw me. XD
How can you get ahead in life? All at Once- The Fray
By multitasking? o_0
What is The Best Thing about your friends? Be My Escape- Relient K
I'm tempted to put 'the best thing' by Relient K, but anyways, this makes sense. -.-
What's in store thsi weekend? Broken Love- Audition
I'd breakup with someone? o.0
What song describes you? Disenchanted- My Chemical Romance
I'm not so disatisfied with my life...
How is life going? Famous Last Words- My Chemical Romance
Chorus: I am not afraid to keep on living...
What song will they play on your funeral? from the inside out- Hillsong
OMG... this makes total sense... =D
How does the world see you? God Is Smiling- Delirious?
harhx? o.0
Will you have a happy life? Handlebars- Flobots
I'd become the president of the United States? o.0
What do your friends think of you? Here I Am Send Me- Delirious?
Do people secretly lust after you? Hey Juliet- LMNT
apparently yes... =D
How can I make myself happy? How To Save A Life- The Fray
Save somebody's life? o_0
What should you do with your life? I'm Not Ashamed- Hillsong
Spread God's word?
Will you ever have children? In The Ayer- Flo Rida feat.
I'd have children in the ayer? ok, that sounds sick... xD
Open up the gates of love Turn the tide and stop the flood You've got my heart now, got my soul. Who is my neighbour, where's the love? That speaks for those our world has lost Its every heart now, every soul
We are one, when our beating/bleeding hearts belong And love can be the revolution That sees your kingdom come
God is smiling over us tonight God is smiling over us tonight where hearts are broken love unites God is smiling, God is smiling over us tonight
So we must cross the great divide Of colour, creed of wealth and pride Break our hearts and save us all So can we sing a brand new song? Where former enemies belong It's every heart now, every soul.
We are one, when our beating/bleeding hearts belong And love can be the revolution That sees your kingdom come
God is smiling over us tonight God is smiling over us tonight where hearts are broken love unites God is smiling, God is smiling over us tonight
You are the centre.
2 lyrics in a day and 3 posts. That's a record. =D
I don't think I have to comment on this song. The message behind it is pretty obvious.
crash n burn.
/7:19 PM
Savage Garden- Crash And Burn
When you feel all alone And the world has turned its back on you Give me a moment please to tame your wild wild heart I know you feel like the walls are closing in on you It's hard to find relief and people can be so cold When darkness is upon your door And you feel that you can't take anymore
Let me be the one you call If you jump I'll break your fall Lift you up and fly away with you into the night If you need to fall apart I can mend a broken heart If you need to crash then crash and burn You're not alone
When you feel all alone And a loyal friend is hard to find You're caught in a one way street With the monsters in your head When hopes and dreams are far away and You feel like you can't face the day
Let me be the one you call If you jump I'll break your fall Lift you up and fly away with you into the night If you need to fall apart I can mend a broken heart If you need to crash then crash and burn You're not alone
Because there has always been heartache and pain And when it's over you'll breathe again You'll breathe again
When you feel all alone And the world has turned its back on you Give me a moment please To tame your wild wild heart
Let me be the one you call If you jump I'll break your fall Lift you up and fly away with you into the night If you need to fall apart I can mend a broken heart If you need to crash then crash and burn You're not alone
I think it's obvious who the 'I' in this song is....
the case for singapore.
/5:50 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen,
There was a joke in the former Soviet Union which goes like this. In Pravda, there is no "truth" and in Isvestia there is no "news", which by the way were the 2 main newspapers in Soviet Russia. In Russian, Pravda meant "truth" and Izvestia meant "news". Both, of course, were state owned and controlled newspapers in the former Soviet Union. But what you got was neither truth nor news, just plain propaganda. That the Soviet Union is doing well. Grain production has gone up ten fold. The country cannot be in a better shape. Everything is just perfect. Except that the Soviet Union in truth was crumbling.
Which reminds me of the state owned and controlled Singapore newspapers such as the Straits Times. And by the way, the entire Singapore press and media is both owned and controlled by Lee Kuan Yew and his government. No one is allowed to print and publish any newspaper in Singapore without a permit from Lee Kuan Yew's government under the Newspapers and Printing Presses Act. And you guessed it. If you were going to write anything critical of him, you not only would be denied that permit, but you will be sued for defamation, crippling damages will be awarded and you will be promptly bankrupted.
Hmm... I doubt that you have ever read The Straits Times. It has never claimed that everything is perfect in Singapore, and although it is state-owned, does it post propaganda like the Soviet Union newspapers that you mentioned above? Obviously not. Just flip into today's newspapers and you're find articles like 'Exports fall for 7th month' and articles about how foreign workers are mis-treated. What does that say about the Straits Times?
I have not been able to get any real news in the state controlled Straits Times. For instance today's Straits Times carried an article about a teenage boy who had sex with another teenager; a prostitute was found precariously hanging from a high rise HDB flat and Walter Woon, Singapore's Attorney General counters an argument of a lawyer who says there is one law for the rich and another for the poor. But what news is there about the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Manpower, the Foreign Ministry? Nothing.
And no one can contradict anything put out by this state controlled press one way or the other, for the simple reason that no one knows what is really happening.
'real news' is subjective.
Which leaves me to guess as best I can, reading what is out there in the foreign media. They tell us that Singapore has turned into a tax haven for the rich from other countries, as a money laundering center, like Vanuatu, a Pacific atoll. A place where the poor are no longer able to live due to unbearable costs. A place where one person takes his life everyday mainly by jumping off high rise HDB flats and where the government uses the law courts to punish dissenters by throwing them in jail, one of the victims being myself.
You say that The Sraits Times is biased, state-controlled, whatever. But have you considered that the news sources which state that 'Singapore has turned into a tax haven for the rich from other countries, as a money laundering center' may also be biased? And just because a couple of cases involving suicide and dissenters and rising costs of living are published in the newspapers, you jump to conclusions and basically say that 'Singapore sucks BIGTIME.' Don't you think that YOU YOURSELF ARE EVEN MORE BIASED THAN THE STRAITS TIMES?
And by the way, if The Straits Times was indeed biased, the article about your infamous trial would definitely be full of mis-information about you, but instead I find information which corraborates with what you have previously written. Would you please explain that?
On the whole, one thing is clear. The reputation of Singapore has been irreparably tarnished. There is no doubt about it. The Washington Post is the foremost and most highly respected newspaper in the United States together with the New York Times. And if the Washington Post reports that Singapore is a country which uses its laws to suppress legitimate criticism, then this must be the end for Singapore. And this is exactly what they did in their report titled "Public enemy in Singapore" dated Dec 9, 2008 when they described the shameful use of the law courts to silence Dr. Chee Soon Juan.
Singapore is not a self sufficient agricultural country that can ignore international opinion. It is not Burma. Every aspect of Singapore's existence depends on the goodwill of the world. Trade, education, investment, banking and commerce. Once it's reputation is sullied, it can no longer pretend to be a place that one chooses to invest in, a place where one gets educated in, a place where one does honest banking.
Just because an American newspaper criticizes Singapore doesn't mean that all is lost for her. And its just one newspaper, even though its highly respected, that doesn't mean that The New York Times is the truth, that its critcism of Singapore will definitely lead to her downfall.
And show me evidence that everything about Singapore, its education system, banking, investments, etc. are all fake.
And in the end, the truth always has a habit of surfacing. Tyrants and dictators around the world will try to put up a good face in public, but their lies and deceit must eventually begin to take a toll. As is the case with Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew.
Hmm... you say that 'the truth' shall surface. But don't you know how subjective 'truth' is? Can you please help your readers by explaining what your nonsensecial truth is?
Another report of significance is the Asian Wall Street Journal's article titled "Democracy in Singapore" of June 26 2008 and the article titled "Singapore maneuvers in response to Chee" in the Far Easter Economic Review of Dec 9, 2008. These are not papers that one can easily dismiss. They are read by people of importance all over the world. And what they say is the same thing. That Singapore's attempt to show themselves as a democracy with the rule of law is nothing but a front. That it is in fact plain and simply a dictatorship with Lee Kuan Yew the dictator since 1959, as long a Fidel Castro of Cuba.
'Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me'... Ok, maybe some important newspapers are anti-Singapore. And myabe they are read by important people. But tell me, did investers suddenly flock away from Singapore just because several newspapers whine and bitch about how 'unfree' Singpore is? Is Singapore in the state of bankruptcy? Life still moves on, and Singapore is still prosperous, in spite of the whining and bitching of biased people like you.
Dr. Chee Soon Juan is undoubtedly winning in this battle between democracy and tyranny, between truth and falsity and between the rule of law and rule by dictate. And with the Godsend, the Internet, Lee Kuan Yew cannot win in his desperate attempt to continue to keep criticism under wraps.
You complain about Lee Kwan Yew's desparate attempt to keep criticism under wraps, when you yourself keep what is OBVIOUSLY the truth under wraps, and are biased in almost everything you write. What an UNBIASED comparism.
The effect of this bad publicity will undoubtedly take a toll on the Singapore dictator's ability to continue with business as usual. The rot has already begun to spread. The edifice has to fall in due course. This is the time for everyone who cares for Singapore to weigh in with the truth and help to turn this place into a real democracy. Agitate, write, protest, go to jail, do whatever you can. It cleanses the soul. And you can look at yourself tomorrow and tell yourself, there was a man. Not a dictator's lackey.
Ditto above above. And if you're trying to start a people's revolution, be prepared to wait until majority of Singaporeans share the same opinion as you. Until then, continue to bitch and whine about how bad Lee Kwan Yew, how corrupted Singapore is; no one will care about you.
Incase you're wondering why renjie was MIA-ing from this blog for the past 2 days, renjie has just returned from a CAMP.
Scout camp to be more precise. If you're looking for a detailed breakdown of what we did during the camp, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. =D But anyways, the camp was fun.
Off to play Sims 2. Bye bye... :)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
/11:29 PM
Mrs Jenness introduced the speaker as a therapist. She also attended an Enigima Babylon One World Faith cogregation and met Nicolae Carpathia. "You have the power within you to overcome everything," the woman said. "No matter how bad your situation, if you learn how to trust yourself and your feelings, you can become the person the Global Community needs."
Vicki couldn't wait until it was time for questions.
Kids who had lost family members in the bombings were in tears. They were engerized by the 'postive messgae' of the therapist. Vicki's heart went out to them. What the speaker said had made her angry.
Soon, she was up next.
-------------------------------------------------------- The speaker pointed to Vicki and smiled. "You have a question?"
"Yes," Vicki said. "If you knew for sure where a person went after he died, wouldn't that be the best hope?"
Vicki continued. "Let's say your father dies and you're bummed. But you know without doubt that your dad went to heaven. Wouldn't that help a lot?"
"However, heaven is a state of mind, not a real place. And if a person knew what happened to the loved one after he passed on, it would give him hope, but we have to deal with reality. The reality is, we can't know what's beyond this life until we gone there."
"That's where you're wrong. We can know." Vicki said. "I can tell you that nobody is good enough to go to heaven. We're all sinners. But God made a way for us--"
The abv is an excerpt of a book I just finished reading. =D
no, there is no such thing as Enigima Number 1 World Faith (or wadeva you wanna call it), I am not into new age religions, and I definitely do not believe that we are strong enough to overcome obstacles alone, without God's help.
I decided to post this excerpt because I found it interesting, how people can overcome obstacles jsut by 'trusting in themselves'. i trust in myself, I know that I have the ability to achieve, but then why did I get swamped by emotions and emo-ness in the past? Why?
In the end, I think that everyone is forced to admit that these new-age religions will never help you solve your problems. Especially Enigima Babylon One World Faith. ;p
Friday, December 12, 2008
/10:00 AM
If you don't get the joke (and link), I feel like taking out a sledgehammer and hitting you in the face until you geddit...
This poster was partly inspired by Pearlyn's blog URL. =D
Thursday, December 11, 2008
/8:38 PM
A couple of months ago I said that I'm gonna write a shiro tribute post... this is that long overdued tribute post =D
2 year have passed since we got shiro... come to think of it, I have many fond memories of him... and some unfond ones too... D:
I remember the first time I went to see shiro. I went with my then Primary 6 sis, and I remember that he was like 'quarelling' with another dog, barking loudly, yapping, etc... he was much much smaller than his current size, and VERY cute...
I remember the first night shiro spent with us. At that time, I was afraid of dogs. Now I have NO IDEA WHY I WAS SO SCARED OF DOGS! THEY'RE SO LOVABLE AND NICE! HOW CAN ANYONE BE SCARED OF THEM!? Anyways, I remember that we let him out of his playpen at night, and he was running around the house at full speed. How cute.... =D
I remember being scammed by Pet Lover's Centre/Pet Safari. Seriously, if you wanna get a dog, don't try Pet Safari. We got scammed by them. bigtime. Anyways, they said that shiro was only 7 months old (when we saw him), but according to alot of ppl we apporached, they said that shiro was obviously 1 YEAR OLD. RAWR! D:
And we bought this dog bag, for containing him when we leave home with him. The person at Pet Safari said that Shiro won't grow bigger already, and will always be able to fit the bag, but now he can't fit it oreadi. Anyways, now my sis uses it as a sling bag. =D
I remember trying to potty-training shiro. I guess almost every pet dog in Singapore will have to learn how to defecate and urinate on the newspaper/ toilet/ wadever. It took us alot of time to teach shiro that, and was quite frustrating at times...
I remember the times we spent together, the fun we had! We shared many fond memories together, they are jsut too many to mention! =D
And shiro's just next to me, sleeping happily, as usual.... ;p
(added at 9.09pm)
And The Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy is finally not on loan! YEAH! =D
/2:10 PM
I'm not the one responsible for this lame act... =D
sims 2 and life...
/12:35 PM
In Sims 2, its very easy to make friends.
To make a friend, all you have to do is to make sure your sim and that friend have a daily relationship of 50 and above. To make a best friend, their long term relationship has to be 50 and above.
You may not understand what I was talking about just now, but anyways, its kinda disturbing that in Sims, your relationship is calculated using a score.
What about in real life? In real life, you can't be sure whether someone regards you as a friend... there's always uncertainty, and there's certainly no helpful 'relationship meter' to tell you whether anot someone regards you as a friend.
However, something I like about relationships in The Sims is that it has an element of uncertainty. Since both Sim's daily relationship must be above 50, if your Sim's relationship with the other Sim hits 100, and yet that Sim's relationship with you is below 50, you will never be friends.
Anyways, you can't expect much from THe Sims, because techincally its just a SIMULATION of everyday life. =D
Its been a long time since I posted about my life... recently have been spamming quizzes, videos and philosphical crap... not that I'm being cooped up at home everyday, but I didn't feel like posting about my life....
Anyways, recently I went to vivo with my family....
The above picture was taken at this departmetal store called Daiso. The stuff there all no price tag de, becoz all the stuff is $2!!!!!!!!! Yeah, even their belts and ties are also a freaking 2 DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That stainless steel soap thingy is supposed to deodorize(sp?) your hands, looks interesting but we didn't buy it. haha.
And oh yarh, while at Daiso, my sis went CRAZY. Daiso came from Japan, the land of uber kawaii-ness and all weird, random stuff (like the stainless steel soap!) and their stuff is mostly Made In Japan, so she was like, "OMG! THIS THING SOOOOO CUTE! MUST BUY!"
Anyways, the final bill came up to $20... and that's quite good already... I saw quite alot of ppl buy about $50 of stuff.... looks like Daiso has a good marketing strategy...
And we also went to this bookstore called PageOne. I regret not taking any pictures... but anyways, that bookstore is about the size of Kinokuniya. I was reading this book about vampires there, I regret not buying it... sighs. And their CD collection RAWKS! =D
And oh yarh, now I'm waiting for The Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy to be back from transit at the Tampines Regional Library... That book contains the answer to life, the universe and everything in it... DUN UNDERESTIMATE IT HOR! VERY POWDEFUL ONE LEH!! =D
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
/8:31 PM
A quiz from avpubynf. I LOVE spamming quizzes...
[] You have tripped a couple of times [] You were looking for a certain object then you realized it was on your hand [x] You have been hit by a ball in the head [ ] You have failed in P.E. class [x] You have been electrocuted [x] You have been called STUPID TOTAL: 3 [] You keep on forgetting what you are about to say [] You've worn your clothes upside down a couple of times [ ] You swim then you realize that you're losing breath [x] You opened the fridge instead of opening the cupboard [] You thought Ricky Martin is straight. [] You laughed and laughed then you choked TOTAL: 1 [] It will take you more than 10 seconds before you realize that a joke is either funny or not []Your keyboard is black, the lights are turned off and it's dark. You still tend to type [ ] You have no idea what an Xbox is [ ] You don't know how multiply works [ ] You kept writing but later you've noticed that you do not know what you're writing. TOTAL: 0 [] You know you're the only one in the class who has that name and yet you ask the question: who, me? [x ]You don't know what he/she is talking about and yet, you still say YEAH. [] You don't know what's the difference between BOMBAIS and MUSLIMS [ ] You were about to go out from your house when you felt that you have no underwear [ ] You forgot to wear your shoes TOTAL: 1 [ ] You don't know where you live. [] You only know about 1/4 of the roads in your city [ ] You don't know a single element [ ] You don't know what an iPod is [x] You see a sign that says don't touch but you still touch it. TOTAL: 1 [] You do not know what your name means [ ] You don't have an idea what sims are [ ] You don't know what NEWS means [] You fell of your chair [ ] You fight with someone, but you don't know what you're fighting about. TOTAL: 0 [ ] You still don't know if a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable [] You don't hear a thing when someone is shouting at you [x] You say what and huh a lot [ ] You’re using a calculator to see your score in this test TOTAL: 1 GRAND TOTAL: 7 Now, take that number and multiply it by 3! 7 x 3= 21% (YAAY!)
You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in Communication, English, Film, Journalism, Literature, or Writing. <br> <br> It is possible that the best major for you is your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th listed category, so be sure to consider ALL majors in your OTHER high scoring categories (below). You may score high in a category you didnt think you would--it is possible that a great major for you is something you once dismissed as not for you. The right major for you will be something 1) you love and enjoy and 2) are really great at it. <br> <br> Consider adding a minor or double majoring to make yourself standout and to combine your interests. Please post your results in your myspace/blog/journal.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
reality vs. dreams?
/10:43 PM
this story is about a boy and a man who has a dream of becoming world's top astronaut in this small island of Singpoare and aims to be the first astronaut to fly into space, representing our nation. They had this dream at age 8, and were discouraged by their teachers and parents that such things were beyond control and we should not aim so high, otherwise the downfall will be great- too much impact on you to allow you to climb up again. One of them believed and gave up the idea of having such unrealistically-deemed thoughts, the other still held on to his own belief. So, these two boys parted their way and one went on with paperwork, chasing certificates, awards and for a better portfolio- attend jc, then university. The other went through his astronaut course at the astronaut school, turning out to be one of the first, completed his course. A few years later, the paperwork chaser switched on the television, broadcasting the live broadcast of the astraunaut preparing to take off. this time- he saw was his friend; the background called out "Honey, ready for dinner". RAINBOW life is one where you chase your own ambition your dream, MONOCHROME life is where you are forced and goes along with a stereotypical citizen to chase after paperworks, finishing their courses. so, why not lead a RAINBOW life- (this idea is copyrighted and is going on with their filimngs and production) do not copy. RAINBOW/MONOCHROME, choose yours. Even though such thoughts seem immature, to think so far, why not think what colorful life you should lead- instead of the lowly paid salary working as part of someone's dream. Start out your own dream- don't be part of other's building dream...
"Following your dreams" isit really possible most of the time?
There have been numerous adverts (like a one I saw on cartoon network), stories (like this one), books etc. that urges you to be unique. CREATE YOUR OWN DREAM.
However, society is not that kind on us most of the time. In real life, do you really think its that easy to just head over to astronaut school, and one day represent Singapore as her first astronaut?
But its weird that many children aspired to be astronaut when they were young, but as they grew up, the dreams of being a "fireman" or an "astronaut" or a "chef" or a "doctor" or a "policeman" all disappear. Dreams are shattered.
To those people out there who keep exorting others to lead a RAINBOW life: GO AWAY. Unless you can find us a clearcut route to make sure we lead a rainbow life, which is almost impossible...
Linkin Park became popular because of its mainstreamness. Or so Bryan claims. =D
There are always people who force others to go mainstream. To lead a "monochrome life". In the story, its the teachers, parents etc. In real life, there are even more people.
Let's use the VIP (Victoria Intergrated Porgram) as an example. Its a relatively new route, as compared to the tried, tested and proven O level route.
And we have people disencouraging us from going to IP. My form teacher, for example.
I'm not a big fan of IP, but I think its a shame that people want to control us, and persuade us to enter the Monochrome route. I'm nt saying that IP is the Rainbow route, and that we should all go to IP, but seriously, let us choose which route we wanna take, ok?
I actually have some pretty funny videos to post, but I decided that this monochrome thing is more important. I'll post the videos tomorrow. (which is 1hr away =D)
quiz returns!
/10:28 PM
1. The person who tagged NICHOLAAAAAAAAAAAAS! 2. Your relationship with him classmates, friends. 3. Your impressions of him Someone with a smile that can sweep people of their tiny feet. =D 4. The most memorable thing he had done for you be my friend? 5. The most memorable thing he had said to you You're a freak! XD 6. If he becomes your lover, you will I'll put love lockdown as my profile song, and divorce him at once. =D 7. If he becomes your lover, thing he has to improve on will be - 8. If he becomes your enemy, you will send him flowers. 9. If he becomes your enemy, the reason will be ? 10. The most desired thing you want to do for him now is give him a puevfcerfraggnfz 11. Your overall impression of him nice =D 12. How do you think people around you will feel about you ask them. 13. The characteristics that you love about yourself are Im unique. 14. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are I did some things in the past which I'm disgusted with... 15. The most ideal person you want to be is myself. 16. For people who cares about and likes you, say something to them: You rawk!
17. 10 ppl who MUST do this quiz (OR DIEEE!) :
1. Nicholas 2. Francis 3. Tristen 4. Yu Lian 5. Jason 6. Xiu Qi 7. Jac 8. Bok 9. Damien 10. random person
do this quiz if you want to... OR DIE!!! MAUAHAHAA!
new blogskin.
/11:20 AM
New blogskin! =D
Incase you're wondering why I didn't credit anyone, that's becoz I DID THIS MYSELF. Apart from the image, of course.
And here are the lyrics to my profile song:
You Found Me- The Fray
I found God on the corner of First and Amistad Where the west was all but won All along Smoking his last cigarette I said, where've you been? He said, ask anything.
Where were you? When everything was falling apart. All my days spent by the telephone. And all I needed was a call It never came To the corner of Firs tand Amistad
Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me Lying on the floor, surrounded, surrounded Why'd you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you? Just a little late. You found me, you found me.
But in the end Everyone ends up alone Losing hope The only one who's ever known Who I am, Who I'm not, Who I want to be No way to know How long she will be next to me
Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me Lying on the floor, surrounded, surrounded Why'd you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you? Just a little late. You found me, you found me.
I've been calling for years and years and you've never left me no messages Never sent me no letters
Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me Lying on the floor, surrounded, surrounded Why'd you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you? Just a little late. You found me, you found me.
Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me Lying on the floor, surrounded, surrounded Why'd you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you? Just a little late. You found me, you found me.
Friday, December 5, 2008
gotta keep loving!
/7:24 PM
If you didn't notice, I totally revamped my playlist... and the theme in my playlist is LOVE.
Its basically about falling in love, falling out of love, feeling heartbroken, etc. etc.
I think I'll continue to do this THEMED PLAYLIST thingy. Next up on this list of themes is: FORGIVEN.
And oh yarh, I hate some of the songs that I included on the playlist (e.g. I got it from my mama) but I have no choice but to put it in. D:
Hmm... I answered this quiz truthfully, but I don't think I'm "a rebel and fighter" and may not defend my point of view easily.
Shows how inaccurate quizes can be. =D
anyways, it's cool to be punk music!! ;p
/11:20 AM
dgray images copyright ah! yu wanna copy ask en (:
yu copy wifout permission yu DIE
NOTE: All D-gray images are done and copyrighted by en. If you DARE TO RIP them, I'll murder you in 27 different ways. *sadistic smile*
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
if only....
/7:21 PM
I realised that I should've set up my blog earlier.
if I set up this blog in mid/late 2007, I would be able to write about FOP 2007, and how I came back home at 1am... and also my Korea trip =D
if I set up this blog in early 2008, I'd be able to cover dramafest 2008, which was DEFINITELY one of the best experiences in my life. I'd also be able to cover alot of other exciting stuff that happened this year...
I'm trying very hard no to 'get invovled' and respond to what I read. But it's getting harder AND harder to just standby while people out there are whining and bitching about my country, about my religion, about God, about alot of other stuff, trying to convince people about their weird theories and random nonsense, ranging from 'God is a murderer' to 'Singapore's courts are corrupted'.
I may or may not like 'refute' those people. It mostly depends on whether i have the time to sit down, and try to convince them that whatever stuff that the wrote/ said is just plain nonsense.
And I think that this post is abit too revealing, becoz CERTAIN people may get a rough idea of which blogs I read just now. But anyways, who cares?
UPDATE: I've decided that I'm not gonna get involved in other people's arguments. Why should I talk to someone I don't really know anyways? So goodbye, and have a nice day.
It's already 1st December 2nd December... and if you loook at your calenders, you'll realise that there's only about 30 days before school starts again... sighs.
Not that I hate school alot, but it's kinda depressing when you realise that you only have 30 days left, and still have quite alot of undone homework, and when you get back to school it's gonna be another year of mugging, preparing for exams etc.
At the end of the holidays, I'm gonna ask myself this question: In the holidays, did you use your time wisely?
I can already predict that the answer: NO.
And oh yeah, if you're feeling depressed after realising that there's soo little time left, SNAP OUT OF IT. GO DO SOMETHING USEFUL.
Although i like quizzes, I try not to spam them on every post...
Anw, I decided that there's space for ANOTHER quiz...
1. Will you be in a relationship next month? Maybe. 2. how are you feeling now at the moment? Contended. 3. Are you someone who worries too often? I think so.... 4. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Prolly not... 5. Do you have any text messages you don't want other people to read? Yeah. 6. Do you miss anyone? Nope. 7. How late did you stay up last night and why? 1am. I was talking crap with my sis. =D 8. What's the connection between you and the last person you texted? Scouts. 9. What colour is your hair? I told you in my previous quiz, rite? My hair is TRANSPARENT! ONLY GENIUSES CAN SEE MY HAIR! 10. Is there anyone who doesn't like you? of course. 11. Is there anyone you wish you could be spending time with now? Yeah. 12. Do you know what you're wearing tomorrow? Nope. 13. Are you irritated with anyone? Not really. 14. What do you currently hear right now? My sis playing Audition... 15. Where did you get the t-shirt you're wearing? can't remember. 16. Do you like rollercoasters? nope. 17. How long does it take for you to shower? 10min? 18. What was the last thing you drank? My saliva. 19. How has the week been? Good. 20. Do you curse in front of your parents? Hardly. 21. Have you ever fallen asleep in someone's arms? Can't remember. 22. What are you doing tomorrow? Dunno? 23. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Yes. But it's hard to give 2nd chances... 24. Last person to tickle you? Benjamin, if I'm nt wrong... 25. How old is the first person on your top? ??? Wad is this question about? 26. Who woke you up today? No one. I woke myself up. 27. What did you do today? Slack. 28. Who was your last text message from? Guo Qiang. 29. Has anyone ever told you they are in love with you? nope. 30. What made you sad today? I'm stuck at home with nthing to do. 31. When was the last time you were disappointed? Why do you wanna noe? 32. When's the last time you were surprised? Today. 33. What were you doing 2 hours ago? Dunno. 34. Who did you eat with last? My sis. 35 What is something you're afraid of? Myself. 36. What time did you wake up this morning? 8.45am 37. What were you doing on Friday at 1 am? Listening to music, I think. 38. Do you like someone? ?? 39. Can you trust your friends? Yeah. 40. Who was the last person to hug you? I dunno.
I realised that alot of my answers are one-liners.. =D
If you're wondering why I put the 'Most emo-est song of the year' as my profile song, that's becoz I realised that there's a good meaning behind it... go check out the lyrics and see if you can catch the meaning yourself =D
Anyways, I've been blogsurfing, and discovered some new blogs... I know alot of ppl's blogs oreadi horhx... and just becoz I dun tag doesn't mean I dun read. XD
And its 12.06AM... cool! ;p
Monday, December 1, 2008
/9:23 PM
Every CCA has some major competition of some sort. NPCC have their NPC (National Pioneering Competition), sports CCAs have their inter-school tournaments, even Mr Chia's environment club have their sentosa tree planting thingy. -.-
Scouts also have a major competition. Its called the NPC (National Patrol Camp). If you compare NPCC's NPC to Scouts's NPC, NPCC'S NPC will seem like a stroll in the park, becoz Scouts's NPC doesn't only test on pioneering, but also tests on ALOT of other stuff. Geddit?
Anyways, renjie was absent from this blog yesterday and the most part of 2dae becoz he was busy doing LOGISTICS (aka saikung, but it wasn't that horrible) for the NPC team. He didn't take part in the competition, but still went there to help out. SOOO considerate, rite?
Won't say anymore about the competition; check out the following pictures instead...
The natural playground....
Our pioneering tower...
VICTORIA! =D And finally, the image all have been waiting for....
PS Sherman glady posed for this picture horhx; don't say that I 'forced' him to take or I took it in sly.
So what are you waiting for! JOIN SCOUTS TODAY!!!!!! =D
Renjie will not be blamed for any torturous incidents (e.g. being screwed by a CERTAIN person), if you really join scouts.