with the blood of christ!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
/9:11 PM

On a more serious note...

I realised something: I NEED to change.

This was a conversation I had with Ren Da some time ago...

me: So what do you think of me?
dA: erm...
(after some persuading, he finally says...)
me: I think you're abit too sensetive.

A bit to sensetive. Thanks alot Ren Da. (no pun intended ;p)

I shout at people. Make them irritated. Flare up. Do all sorts of things that bury me deeper in the bitterness, the misery.

And that is something I don't deny.

This is NOT an emo post. Instead, I;ll call it a self-reflection. Now, I see what's wrong and will try my best to mend it.

God help me do that.


/9:03 PM

Today was... erm... interesting?

So the day started off normally. Chinese lesson (boooring), PE, Maths (even more booring), Science (not as boring, thankfully)

And today gt suprise science test! ARGH! And guss what? It was based on something that we just learned during the 1st half of lesson... (even more ARGH!)

But seriously, the 'crss-cross' method can give people a headache. More on that later.

After school stayed back for 4.8km run, in prep. for the cross-country race on the 8th August. And to our ultimate shcok and horror, got BEACH RUN!! OMG!! EVEN EVEN EVEN MORE ARGH!

So, anyways, I finsihed the run and wondered whether it was really 4.8km.... is it just me or was the route shortened? Gt back to school and 'zao-ed' home after that.

The 'interesting' life of a VS student...


Tuesday, July 29, 2008
/9:39 PM

I'm feeling bitter. Very bitter. Bitter as wormwood.

The song "Tears in Heaven" by the choirboys. Expresses what's in my heart right now.

PS regarding filtering, if my post wasn't filtered, it would be filled with dozens of capital letters, exclamations marks, angry words etc. This is a toned down version. VERY toned down.



Monday, July 28, 2008
/9:07 PM


MUAHAHA! You owe me a punch! (jk of course ;p)

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Sunday, July 27, 2008
/4:07 PM

this is something for you to chew on.

Just now, I was coming back home from church on bus 293. The bus is new, the aircon is "strong", and I'm leaning comfortably on a handrail playing worms '08.

Then, at this bus stop, everyone starts pouring into the bus, until its full of people. I did not really mind; after all, the 31s i take back home are even worse than this.

I continue playing worms.

In front of me, two rather middle-aged ladies are talking in some sort of dialect. I don't play attention to them; after all, I am not proficient in cantonese, teochew or whatever dialect they were speaking in.

I continue playing worms.

They start talking in Chinese. I stop playing worms and listen to what they say.

And guess what? They were talking about us, the youths of these days. In the words of one of them: "I saw a secondary school student 'fighting' for a seat with an old lady! What a shame!"

The other agreed.

The first lady continued,"What happened to the youths of these days? Don't they attend civic and moral education classes? The Singapore education system is such a failure!"

The other agreed again.

They start chattering in their dialect again, and I continue playing worms again, but this time it's different. I start to wonder: Education is supposed to mould our future, but what are we being moulded into? Someone with no compassion, someone who only cares about our MSG, our L1R5? Are we turning into a "cold" society?

What do you think?

On a lighter note, have a look at the know the music banner(above). The person listening to the iPod is actually from an anime, but I won't tell you which one. =) Try to guess! (no prizes, however.)

PS to my sis: You MIGHT know the answer. XD

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/9:37 AM

In the words of the skin creator...

This skin can only be seen in IE. (INTERNET explorer)

Very sorry for all inconvenience caused. =(


Friday, July 25, 2008
/8:52 PM

i'm BAC!!!

Yeah, I'm having a mild TGIF mood now. Finally, the week has endedz!!! MAUHAHAHAAHA!!!

I read my previous post and realised that it was seriously...emo. Yeah, I vary between the 2 extremes... sometimes.

But seriously, that post was like "free writing" to me, when I just expressed everything inside me... Hopefully it didn't bore you. =)

ANyways, tomorrow gt CCA(sianzz!) and we r having passing on ceremony... Not exactly sure what is that...

And oh yea, changed template again. The previosu one was too emo for
my liking. And the fonts were HORRIBLE. This one is better... i

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008
/9:56 PM

I'm confused.

Seriously. I'm confused.

I'm irritated, frustrated, angry, feeling emo and blue.

Ever felt like that before?

Staring at the computer screen, I suddenly don't know what to write.
As if I'm so emo-ish that I can't express what's in me.
Sad case, right?
What a horrible word.
Ever been confused before? Ever been so 'blur', so 'WTH!?' that you feel that you're dumb, you feel that you're stupid?
I'm at that point right now.
Blogging is supposed to be about self-expression. Expressing your ownself, what's in your life etc.
But now as I type on, I find that this isn't consoling.
We filter our words. We filter our thoughts. There are so many filters in our minds that allow us to say the politcally right stuff, and not the things we want to say.
In fact, many of my previous posts were filtered. Not all of them are true reflections, what is actually going on isnide my head.
That's the sad truth. Out of 10 bloggers, I think all 10 will have to say that their blogs are filtered too.
10.05 p.m.
the end for this post.

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Sunday, July 20, 2008
/10:06 PM

Tis post is to celebrate me completing my D&T HW!!!!

After an arduous, exhuasting, *insert chim words for long, tiring, difficult* time(about 1 hours) I have finally completed all avaliable D&T HW!!! 3 cheers for myself!!!

Hip Hip...


Seriously, tomorrow is RHD( Racial Harmony Day) and also Jonah's bdae... so Jonah, pls be VERY careful. VERY VERY VERY careful. My ethnic costume has been prepared oreadi. I'll probably stand out like a sore thumb tomorrow in bus 31. =(

Hope I'm not the miniority who choose to wear ethnic costume... I'm having nightmares about that... (nightmares while I'm AWAKE? lols...)

Oh yeah, I forgot to do a brief intro about this skin.
This is template is made by darkdegree, creator of the famous "copehaegen" skin, used in many many blogs. The image is interesting, and this is generally well done, but I didn't like some of the fonts, so I tweaked them to good ole' century gothic. =) Maybe I should take a break from these emo skins for awhile and look at those more colouful ones, right? =)) Any suggestions?

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Saturday, July 19, 2008
i noe wad you did last friday... =)
/5:42 PM

last friday I went for this physics course at VJC, with...DAMIEN!!!(lols...), Shuai, Siddarth, Kokul, Elliot.

We learned about this ancient medieval weapon. You know, those weapons where the people load a huge rock into it and it fires the rock off into enemy lines? That weapon. It's called a Trebuchet (not the font that I'm using for this post, thank you.) Anyways, it was quite fun and we got to fire their mini version of the trebuchet (much more advanced than medival times of course)

Oh yeah, on our way up to the room...

VJ guy(sees me and Damien): Who's the prinicpal of VS harh?
Me: Mr low. (the song "low" starts playing in my head)
2nd VJ guy: Chia still there?
Damien (grinning): yarh.
VJ guy: still retarded?
Damien and Me: YES!!


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Tuesday, July 15, 2008
/10:31 PM

I'm writing this blog entry.

chionging my history project work.

still chionging history project...

phews~! Just finished my hist. project. Not that there are any slackers in the group or anything, but after re-reading through the VS History blog, I foudn that I was missing some points. Some VERY MAJOR POINTS. VERY VERY MAJOR. VERY VERY VERY(to the power of 1000) major points. So, I had to chiong the project work, leaving me no time to revise for the Math test on Friday....


Sometimes I feel I'm jammed packed with stuff, appointments to meet, tests to do, assessment books to finish...


Ok back to my books... =)


Sunday, July 13, 2008
/7:48 PM

Current mood: sianzzzz... -_-!!

I sent my phone for repair just now, due to an irritating earphone problem. ANd after waiting at the service centre for like... 2-half hours, I have been seperated from my beloved S500i for 3-5 working days, because their gonna repair it. And guess what? I got this phone only a few months ago! *rawr*

And tomorrow is another week of sch... gt some CCA stuff after sch... gt math test and some graded assignments... gt project deadlines to meet... gt D&T homework to complete... ARGH!

Lols, after ranting i feel much better. Anyways, byebye for now!

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Saturday, July 12, 2008
/9:44 PM

Was very bo liao, so took some personality/blog/watever tests at Here are the shocking results...

This Page is Rated


Lets101 Quizzes - Fun Quiz

OMG! MY BLOG IS NC-17! HOW COULD IT BE!? ARGH!!! *scream and run around in circles*


Lets101 - free online dating

cool!~ =)

new skin.. again
/9:10 PM

Changed my skin... again.

Things to note:

1. I am NOT emo!!!
2. The banner is purple, but I'm not gay.

Anyways, enjoy! =))

Friday, July 11, 2008
/5:14 PM

I found this hopelessly funny vid. on youtube. N-joy!

I believe in miracles... =))

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
green tee mcflurry!!!
/8:33 PM

So I was taking bus 31 home with mikael today.

After playing the worms 2008 on my phone for awhile ( I totally owned him), we finally got the tampines interchange.

Then before I took the bus (mikael lives opposite me... so we take the same bus) I felt the sudden urge to buy green tea mcflurry... so I went to the mcdonalds at the interchange. mikael tagged along. He was 'pressurised' to buy mcflurry too. =)

This is the picture of my half-eaten green tea mcflurry versus the pictue on the advert, taken using my trusty phone again. =) See the massive difference? Kudos to the boy in the corner of the picture, although he didn't know it too.

Monday, July 7, 2008
/10:59 AM

As promised, pictures of shiro...
Ain't he cute? =))

Sunday, July 6, 2008
new skin!
/7:57 PM

Finally found a skin deserving enuf to be used on my blog. =)

But seriously, looking for skins wasn't easy. Couple of times I found a good one, and guess what?

"Bandwith has exceeded. Upgrade to Pro today!" appeared all over the banner. =(((


Anyways, I'll use more colourful skins next time...

Saturday, July 5, 2008
de-motivational posters!
/4:55 PM

Some anime motivational posters I found in crunchyroll. The first and second ones are my favourites. =)

Friday, July 4, 2008
ten promises...
/10:39 PM

Just came bac from TM, after watching a movie.

The movie- "Ten promises to my dog". Its in Jap, but with England subtitles, so with e help of my powderful engrrish, I can understand the movie.

So, anyways, its a VERY touching movie. My sis and mum cried while watching it. But i didn't, so they say I'm cold hearted. (lols.) As you can guess from the title, its about dog ownership and alot of other stuff like family relationships, etc. I'm to lazy to tell you the story... click here for the sypnosis.

Anyways, go watch that movie if you have time. WATCH IT... OR DIE! MUAHAHAHA!! XD

Photo 2
/4:38 PM

Once again, this was taken with the S500i... The table IS messy, right? :)

the bus-stop
/4:22 PM

this is a picture I took at the bus stop opposite school, with my trusty S500i =) I edited it with PhotoDJ, and here it is!
Special thanks to: The Sec 3/4 who was in the photo, although he didn't know it. XD

Thursday, July 3, 2008
/4:51 PM

A veri funni vid I found out youtube. =)

The blog is... completed!
/4:44 PM


Add tagboard. (Done~)
Music (Done!)
Change template (Done!)

Now all I need is some visitors...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The First post
/10:33 PM

So this is my first post... =)

And I don't know what to say...

Just that this is probably my 4th blog and counting...

Just that I'm having a mental block right now...

Just that it's 10.35pm now...

Just that my cute little dog, shiro, has crept into the com. room again (Bad Boy! OUT!)...

Just that... (Don't you think I'm abit naggy? o.0)