with the blood of christ!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
/4:21 PM

This post is dedicated to the 'wonderful' spammer, someone.

In total, you have spammed my blog about 3-4 times in total. I seriously wonder what's wrong with you. If you hate me, at least have the courage to confront me face-to-face, instead of hiding yourself with your stupid on9 name.

I have no idea who are you, how you know me, but God knows, you know. If I have offended you in anyway, sort it out with me, but don't resort to such dirty, sly tricks like spamming my blog.

If you're from VS (and about 90% you are) then I'm seriously ashamed of you. You're supposed to be a GENTLEMAN. Heard that? And is this gentlemany behaviour? Is this? Well obviously no. SO do you even deserve to be in victoria school? Are you a true victorian? Well, I can confidently say no.

So anyways, this also shows me how childish, immamture you are. People who have a proper moral compass will certainly not resort to spamming, of all childish things. So, if you want to continue to be immature, go ahead; let's see how many people will turn away from you, how many people will hate you like poison. Let's see, shall we?

i have banned you from my cbox and intend to keep you banned for the rest of this blog's existence. As a result, some of my FRIENDS are banned with you as well. You have served your purpose as an immature, childish brat. Are you happy now?

PS whoever you are, I demand a confession from you.


Monday, September 29, 2008
/8:33 PM

new blogskin!

Anyways, the title of this blogskin is: CAPTURE.

I realised that the purpose of blogs is to capture. They capture our thoughts, our life, our beliefs... you get the picture.

So this blogskin is pretty apt... I think.


I think ppl who read my blog often will be thinking that this is an emo post... again. Look into my archieves, and you realise that alot of my emo posts are seperated using lines, or *.

Lols. But guess what? This isnt EMO!!! *grins*

I came back from the Pasir Ris library after studying with Yulian there. And I'm still taller than him! XD (no offence yulian, i hope ;p)

So now im like... exhausted. Its also weird that I didn't do alot of stuff at the library, yet i spent about 2h 30min there, and I was studying throughout... I guess time passes very fast when you're in a library. =)

Anyways, in recent days I feel less... emo-ish. I also feel alot more optimistic. I'm not very sure what caused this sudden change; maybe I'm having mood swings, or maybe I'm bio-polar. =) But I just feel happy. I can't explain why. But I thank God for that.


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Saturday, September 27, 2008
To knooow your name 2
/10:29 PM

Just now I downloaded 'To know your name' by hillsong into my phone. =)
(Don't worry, I didn't download it illegally; i bought the album and downloaded it onto my phone using Disc2phone... that isn't illegal right? XD)

The precious blood of Jesus Christ redeems
Forgiven I'm alive restored set free
Your majesty resides inside of me
Forever I believe
Forever I believe
Arrested by Your truth and righteousness
Your grace has overwhelmed my brokenness
Convicted by Your spirit led by Your word
Your love will never fail
Your love will never fail

I know You gave
The word Your only Son for us
To know Your name
To live within the Saviour's love
He took my place
Knowing He'd be crucified
And You loved
You loved a people undeserving

go check it out. This song touched me alot, esepcially the part about "he took my place". It makes me really appreciate what God has did for us. =)

PS to nico and pearlyn: you can tag in my tagboard now. =)

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/4:25 PM

3 days since I posted...

Anyways, I'm freakingly bored. My sis is playing audi the other com. so I can't play CABAL, so I'm being degraded to blogging here.

Ever played Sims 2 before? In Sims 2, you control a virtual person and dictate what he will do, how his life will be like... basically, you are the character's GOD.worse still...

I sometimes wonder if life is like Sims 2. Is life just a 3d game, or is someone playing Sims 2 with us.... just that we are the virtual characters this time round?

That thought freaks me out.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
/10:42 PM

I have to get back 2 my work soon... so I'll just make this a quick one. =)

Well, I'm rather stressed and feeling abt screwed up. but dun worry, I'm not going 2 have spasms or a nervous breakdown, thank you. I'm perfectly sane *lip and hands starts trembling violently* I'm PURRFECTLY *mouths starts to twitch alot* NORMAL!!!

However, i still thank God for giving the strength I need to manage my stress, not get spams...

In school, I'm sitting next to 3 DOTA freaks. Imagine my frustration.
What is even more frustrating is that out of those 3 DOTA freaks, at least 2 of them are sickos, pervets, 变态,色狼s...
I seriously wonder why ppl have to be like so...vocal abt their pervertness. Its very irritating. Why can't you just keep whatever you do at home to yourself, and stop influencing others to join euu in pervesity?
not trying to condemn anyone here; just airing my views. =)

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Monday, September 22, 2008
/4:25 PM

Lols... recently bloggger is quite screwed up... I have to delete temporary files in order to see the 'new post' page properly...

So anyways, I'm giving myself a short break 4 surviving through the school.

the above image was done by me, with some help from GIMP and MS Paint. I like how the wings are golden colour. =D

For ppl who are not from VS, the "victoria we give to you" thingy is part of our school song. Thought that it'll be nice to include it in.


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Sunday, September 21, 2008
"normal" saturday?
/5:55 PM

Saturday was quite fun.

As some ppl may know, I aso joined scouts when i was in primary sch. At tat time I was a cute, TALL, blur person...

So anyways, yesterday I went back to help my juniors (lols!) in a competition. It was something like the national pioneering competition, but smaller scale. It was hled in the GIGANTIC premises of cat. high.

I wasn't the only alumni around. Haoyang, Jerry (the "emo" guy in the abv picture) and a few others came too. =)

SO anyways, as seniors we mus have some priveledges, right? So while everyone was taking
part in the competition, we went "scouting" around CH...

1. Haoyang trying out their "acrhdemis screw" (sry, i dun know how to spell ;p) in their eco-garden.

2. The toucan in their eco garden. Btw, it is ALIVE.

3.Some of their wall decorations. This was outside the toilet.

And one thing about their premises: Its about 2 to 3 times bigger than VS!! We NEARLY got ourselves lost in there. CH is indeed very well-funded.

oh yeah, about the competition, my juniors did quite well. They got a gold in soccer, bronze/silver(I can't remeber) in sour grapes, and did quite well in the other categories. In the end, they were one of the top 3 schools, clinching a silver!! =)

I noticed how each and every one of them were very motivated. When I taught them some basic knots, although they took quite long to understand, they were still very...dilligent? And none of them had this "bo liao" looking expression. So they deserved the silver... a lot.

Now I return to my D&T homework. (ARGH!)

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Thursday, September 18, 2008
Time's up
/7:31 PM

Time's up.

All pens down.

All hopes dashed, destroyed, obliterated.

Drown in sorrow.

Get lost in anger.

Be destroyed; destroy yourself.

Time's up.

All hope is regained.

Be at peace.

Find fufillment.

Get ready for the time of your life.

Find God.

Time's Up.

Lols... that was something I typed in less than 5min... Guess it's very easy to write when you have inspiration. =)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
/7:48 PM

Some photos which I took... a VERY long time ago... haha. -.-

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008
/8:17 PM

I've just recieved the message from Janice about the Christian-Hindu thing
in Bangalore.
RSS burned 20 churches last night, and planned to destroy 200
churches in Orissa.
Everything was caused by a misunderstanding. Why like
And BJP has planned to kill 200 pastors in the next 24 hours.

Read up more about this case at the following website.

And Christians, please pray for this guy called Paul Thangaia in
RSS plans to kill him as well.
Christians, take some time to

More about this,

The violence spread to southern India
over the weekend when vandals attacked 14 churches in an hour in the state of
Karnataka Sunday, the network said.
They chopped down trees to block roads,
making it difficult for police to reach trouble spots. A Christian orphanage was
set on fire. A 20-year-old woman, who was teaching children inside, burned to
By Tuesday, about 20 deaths had been reported, said Praveen Kumar,
the superintendent of police in the worst-affected Kandhamal district.

Christians! Please pray for God's protection!


This reminds me of 'Where is The love?'

But if you're not a christian, at least put those poor ppl out there in ur mind. There's a chain SMS being passed around; if you received it, pls bother to pass it on. You're doing the world a favour ;p

I wonder why people have to be discriminated, assaulted because of RELIGION. Seriously, religion is only a thin line that seperates people. Why blow up that thin line? Why cause calamity after calamity to happen because of a small matter?

I remember reading something from the Roald Dahl book, The BFG (Big Friendly Giant) was telling sofie that humans were the only ones who killed each other. Snakes don't kill each other. Raccons don't kill each other. Napoleon didn't kill Snowball.

What does this say about ourselves?

But anyway, I pray for those people out there. Although strong winds may blow, God is always able; hold on to what euu know. =)

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Monday, September 15, 2008
Top of playlist
/9:55 PM

Top of my playlist: Who I am Hates Who I've Been- Relient K

I watched the proverbial sunrise
Coming up over the Pacific and
You might think I'm losing my mind,
But I will shy away from the specifics...

'cause I don't want you to know where I am
'cause then you'll see my heart
In the saddest state it's ever been.

This is no place to try and live my life.

Stop right there. That's exactly where I lost it.
See that line. Well I never should have crossed it.
Stop right there. Well I never should have said
That it's the very moment that
I wish that I could take back.

I'm sorry for the person I became.
I'm sorry that it took so long for me to change.
I'm ready to be sure I never become that way again
'cause who I am hates who I've been.
Who I am hates who I've been.

I talk to absolutely no one.
Couldn't keep to myself enough.
And the things bottled inside have finally begun
To create so much pressure that I'll soon blow up.

I heard the reverberating footsteps
Synching up to the beating of my heart,
And I was positive that unless I got myself together,
I would watch me fall apart.

And I can't let that happen again
'cause then you'll see my heart
In the saddest state it's ever been.

This is no place to try and live my life.

[Pre-Chorus x2]

Who I am hates who I've been
And who I am will take the second chance you gave me.
Who I am hates who I've been
'cause who I've been only ever made me...

So sorry for the person I became.
So sorry that it took so long for me to change.
I'm ready to be sure I never become that way again
'cause who I am hates who I've been.
Who I am hates who I've been.

This is a Christian song. *gaps*

But seriously, christian music rawks! The guitar solos, drum, wadever-instrument-you-name-it RAWKS! It's like a style of its own; very different from ur linkin park and ur MCR and ur Metellica.

So basically, I have seen myself... change alot. In good ways, fortunately. So WHo I am realyl hates who I was before this. =)

Well, I hope that I'll keep changing for the better. -.-

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history mock...
/9:48 PM

Lols... it has been a while since I posted something abt my life... NO MORE EMO POSTS 4 NOW!!! =)

So today I had history mock exam. I was like 'stumped' for some questions... dunno hw to answer, was like 'WTH!?' So anyways, history was ok, thank God for that! =) but there's this stupid SEQ question...

"What is the difference between autocracy and democracy?"

Anyone noe e answer? Anyone? please? pretty please? ;p

Oh yeah, had a nice long chat with yulian today. Basically we talked alot of crap.

But there were some sensible bits among the mountain of crap. =)

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Saturday, September 13, 2008
/11:40 PM

You Have Willpower of Steel

Your personal motto could be "Where there's a will, there's a way."

If you will something, you make it happen - no matter how difficult it is.

You don't back down from commitments, even when you regret making them.

That being said, you are pretty careful about what you commit to!

Is Your Willpower Strong?

/11:39 PM

You Are 16% Weirdo

Your thinking is so in line with the mainstream, it's pretty freaky.

Have you ever considered running for political office?

You're so normal, people can't help but feel comfortable with you!

Are You A Weirdo?

/11:35 PM

Your Famous Last Words Will Be:

"What we know is not much. What we don't know is enormous."

Oh yeah, I remembered there's a song called Famous Last Words by my most hated band...

And my FLW makes alot of sense.

What Will Your Famous Last Words Be?


Head Ache.
/11:19 PM




Lols... it has been 1 week since I borrowed the HTML books. I now know HTML, CSS, XML better, but still far away from my dream of making a blogskin! =(

I browsed through the blogskin forums just now and was well...shocked at the amt of effort ppl have to put in just too make 1 'good' skin.

I was like' info-overloaded' when I got out of the forums.

Mock exams on Monday and Tuesday... Maths and History...

I just realised how hard it is to revise for maths. And history.

Anyways, I'll just try my best. =)

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Friday, September 12, 2008
/7:13 PM

Apathy (also called impassivity or perfunctoriness) is a state of
indifference, where an individual has an absence of interest or concern to
certain aspects of emotional, social, or physical life.

In other words, a state where you are soo bo liao, when you don't care about anything at all.

I remembered that my form teacher once said , "VS needs more empathy."

And guess what? I totally agree with her.


When people don't care, its very frightening. It can spread like... wildfire. A few bo-chup ppl can influence a whole lot of other ppl 2 be apathetic like them. Its that scary.

Let's have an example, shall we?


In the South-East Rally Campfire, everyone was like... stone-ing. Just sitting there, doing nothing.

I was probably the only guy trying to be enthusiastic. The rest, especially MY SENIORS, were just sitting comfortably on the bench, doing nothing.

Do they think that its a waste of time? Of course, yes.

Do they even care? of course, no.

I think that some people seriously have to 'wake up their idea'....

As you can guess, that was one of my worst campfires EVER.


In 2 years time, when I become a sec 3 'sir', I hope I won't be like that. I want to have the empathy, the passion, the DRIVE.

And hopefully my hoeps will turn into reality...

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/7:03 PM


A very chim 4-syllabus word. To put in simply, it basically means 'remebering, thinking about the past'.

Why do some people remember the past more than others? Why do some people live for the present, and forget what happened in the past?

After reading a couple of blogs, I wonder why.
After the sec 1 camp in Janurary, when 1G was bonded and united like... siao? I was thinking "This is waaaaaay better than my p6 class, and primary sch.'
Till today I still prefer secondary sch life to primary sch; I won't want to go back to the times when I was still in P6.
But some people prefer to go back to those times... I don't exactly know why....
When you reminscience, you think about the past. Your mistakes, your regrets, and hopefully, the fun you had.
That's why I live for the present, and forget the past.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Coffee, tea, or ME?
/11:23 PM

You Are Black Tea

You have a bold personality. You're not afraid of simply being yourself.

You have the courage to speak the truth. You are fearless in your actions.

You come off as a bit intimidating and unapproachable. Only confident people are attracted to you.

You don't try to scare off anyone. You're just an intense person!

What Kind of Tea Are You?
I'm starting to doubt the reliability of these tests...


/11:22 PM

You Are Impact

You are very unique and quite striking. You are forceful and aggressive.

You never go unnoticed, and people recognize your power instantly.

While you make your presence known, your message is a bit fuzzy.

You are not the easiest person to understand, and you're not one for details.

What Font Are You?


/6:40 PM

I'm bored...
and feeling abt stressed also.
There are mock exams for me to study, and now my sis and mom are quarelling over something relating to exams...
I'm sad that some people are so unreasonable, some people are just don't understand and never try, some people are just... plain iddoitic.
I have a living example at home. A VERY GOOD EXAMPLE. VERY GOOD.
I'm wondering what music should I use for the class vid.
Pictures of you (The Last Goodnight) is not bad, but a bit too short... This is Home (Switchfoot) is too long...
And I seriously hate the stupid, gayish Graduation (friends forever) that is so commonly used for class vids...
Ok, back to the books.

Monday, September 8, 2008
/11:44 PM

Some people think I'm emo.

Well, that maybe true. I don't exactly know...

Sometimes I love silence. Being by yourself. Sometimes, I feel it's when I have the most freedom, when I'm not confined by people around me.

Sometimes, when people talk to me I feel very irritated, like they have stepped into an unseen boundary.

Call me introverted if you want.

I took a personality test recently on this website. My result: 49% extroverted, 51% introverted.
I guess you can say that I'm a happy medium... sort of.
However, sometimes the loneliness kills me.
For example, when I was eating lunch in KFC last sunday.
Around me, people were hanging out with their cliques, their friends etc. I was that weird, emo, tall guy sitting alone. ALONE.
At that point, I felt bitter. I felt angry. I felt jealous, not at those innocent people of course,but at they way things are.
On a random note...
'Where is The Love?' is the perfect theme song for 1984.

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Saturday, September 6, 2008
quiz 2
/8:11 PM


-Are you left or right handed?
Right. =)))

-Ever removed anything from your body?
Teeth, My common sense.

-Last heavy item you lifted?
A gigantic looking bench you can find at the scout den.

-Ever been knocked out?
Fortunately, no. =)


-If it were possible, would you want others to know when you would die?
No way!

-If you could change your name, what would it be?
Hanate wakuso shiseo tadashite teriyaki suzuki honda civic. (sounds familiar? ;p)

-What colour do you think looks best on you?
black, white.

-Ever swallowed a non-food item?
Not that I can remember...


-Would you kiss a person of the same sex for $100?
Probably... yes.

-Would you cut off your little finger for $200,000?

-Would you stop blogging forever for $50,000?
yes, but I'll go onto MSN sapcers, friendster, facebook...

-Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
Wasabi is out of the question.

-Would you, without the fear of punishment, take a human life for a million bucks?
Why don't you do it first?


-What is in your left pocket?

-Is Napoleon Dynamite a good movie?

-Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?

-Do you sit or stand in the shower?
Seriously, who sits in shower?

-How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
one, from the local mama store. =D


-The last person who texted you is?
Shuai Chen/Shuai/ Fortune Duck/ China/ Beijing

-Last person who called you is?
My dog, shiro. He called me to clear his defecation.

-Last person you hugged is?
myself. -.-


-Missing someone?

Slightly emo, becoming more emo by the second.

-Listening to?
Heartbreaker by, and trying to ignore Mum telling me to go and finish my D&T HW.
Also, listening to the idiotic English version of the Sheng Siong commercial.


-Worrying about?
D&T HW, Mock Exams, practically everything abt school.



-First place you went this morning?
Into my dreams.

-What can you not wait to do?
Finish reading the HTML, CSS, XHMTL Bible.

-Smile often?

-Are you a friendly person?
I guesss so...

the 10 lucky people...

1.Yu Lian
4.MRS LIM!!! =)
5.En Quan
6. Jac
7. Bok Woon
8. Shuai Chen
9. Kian Meng

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Friday, September 5, 2008
/6:05 PM

I borrowed a book from the library- "HTML, XHTML and CSS Bible"  It looks into the programming languages CSS, HTML, XHTML, which is used to make your fabulous blogskins.

After reading just 4 chapters, and doing a SIMPLE-LOOKING webpage in notepad, I come to a conclusion: HTML is tough.  Just to make this:

It took me this:


But anyways, I shall persevere (somehow) and read through that book, even though it's as thick as a dictionary!

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Thursday, September 4, 2008
To knoooow your name...
/11:45 PM

I was touched by this song. Really.

PS This song is dedicated to...NICHOLAS! =)

To Know Your Name

The precious blood of Jesus Christ redeems,
forgiven I’m alive, restored set free.
Your majesty resides inside of me,
forever I believe. forever I believe.
arrested by your truth and righteousness
your grace has overwhelmed my brokenness
convicted by your spirit, led by your word
your love will never fail
your love will never fail

I know you gave, the world your only son for us
To know your name, to live within the saviour's love and he took my place,
knowing he’d be crucified and you loved.. you loved, a people undeserving!


You said you wanted a life of freedom. A life where you can be happy, go to church etc. God has the power to give you that kind of life!

There are just too many evidence that God can change lives. My life for instance. I was freed from all sorts of bad habits (Let's just say it was even worse than stuff like not making my bed etc.) when I started to be serious about God a year ago. =)

hoped the song encouraged you! ;p

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abt me...
/1:20 AM

Ren Jie will give a higher yield if milked when listening to music.
About 100 people choke to death on Ren Jie each year.
Owls cannot move their eyes, because their eyeballs are shaped like Ren Jie!
Reindeer like to eat Ren Jie.
The canonical hours of the Christian church are matins, lauds, prime, terce, sext, none, Ren Jie and compline.
Antarctica is the only continent without Ren Jie.
The average duration of sexual intercourse for Ren Jie is two minutes!
Ren Jie can pollinate up to six times more efficiently than the honeybee.
Ren Jieocracy is government by Ren Jie.
The smelly fluid secreted by skunks is colloquially known as Ren Jie.

OMG! *faint*

/12:48 AM

Photo: courtesy of

I had just finished reading 1984, by the same guy who brought u ur most hated Animal Farm.

It is like a predecessor of Animal Farm; in fact, both books share nearly about the same themes of a bleak future, totalarilism, unfreedom. The only difference is that 1984 portrays a much more bleak future, where English itself is being rewritten so that there can be no hidden meanings, no truth-beneath-the-lies, only what is conforming to the party. There is also no freedom; people live in fear of the Thought Police, who hunt down people who are against the Party. They are constantly being monitered by telescreens; screens which are in every household.

After reading 1984, I've seen the ugliness of human nature; how many live in fear so that the miniority have unrestrained power, how power indeed corrupts. I've seen how media is manuipulated in such a gigantic way that you do not know what to believe in; you do not even know if the the book "1984" is really set in year 1984, or is it one of the fabrications of the Party again? I've also learnt how to treasure the freedom that we enjoy in many parts of the world.

Summary of this post: READ 1984! IT RAWKS! =)

Monday, September 1, 2008
the quiz...
/5:37 PM

1. The person who tag/pass you is?

2. Your relationship with him/her?
Sec 1 class

3. Your impression of him/her?
Quite a nice, friendly guy...

4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
Tag in my blog? ;p

6. If he/she became your lover, you will?
Stop loving him.

7.If he/she became your lover, he/she has to improve on?
I hope that day nvr comes...

8. If he/she became your enemy, you will?
Try to ignore him as far as possible.

9. If he/she became your enemy, the reason will be?
Being an annoying irritating attnetion seeker? (although I doubt that it'll happen)

10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her is?
Wish him happiness.

11. Your overall impression of him/her is?

12. How you think people around you will feel about you?
Some will probably think I'm a basket, but hopefully even more will think that I'm quite a nice guy.

13. The characters you love of yourself are?

14. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are?

15. The most ideal person you want to be is?
my current self.

16. For people who care and like you, say something for them.
Thanks alot guys!

17. Pass this quiz to the first 10 person that you can think of, how they feel about you.
1.irandom (teehee! countersabo!)
3. EQ
5. Kian Meng
6.Fortune Duck
7. Tristen
8. Yu lian
9. Francis

Good Luck in trying to complete this people. D: